WIth ACD Mes TechnologIes, you can follow your productIon processes anytIme, anywhere.
Our web-based applIcatIon Is used wIth the hIghest effIcIency on all computers, phones and tablets.
In whIch machIne, by whom, wIth whIch raw materIal, and when was the product produced? The answers to all these questIons are Instantly avaIlable to you.
ACD IPM ProductIon Management System (MES) works fully Integrated wIth all ERP Systems.
WITH ACD MES TechnologIes, you WILL be Informed ImmedIately by SMS and maIl In cases such as machIne faIlure, decrease In productIvIty, and Increase In fIre.
WITH our wireless terminals, we ELIMINATE the TIME and FINANCIAL losses caused by CABLING, we ACTIVATE the system as soon as POSSIBLE.
Via SPC (Statistical Process Control) Software;
Measuring the parts with measuring instruments and recording their entries into the system,
Detection of out of control situations,
The data can be recorded manually or from the measuring device via wired or wireless network,
SPC (Statistical Process Control) and graphical display are provided for the selected characteristics.
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